diff options
authorMilosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski@foundries.io>2024-03-12 13:12:55 +0000
committerAnders Roxell <anders.roxell@gmail.com>2024-04-22 10:52:40 +0200
commit723fba859a4b28b0a123d21815eb78d3b4d8d39c (patch)
parenteb22b4c670c7ae4e7ebb5fb5fd4a7b96e31e3d01 (diff)
automated: linux: add switch-apps test for LmP
This test uses external infrastructure to force app updated on FoundriesFactory registered device running LmP. Signed-off-by: Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski@foundries.io>
2 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/automated/linux/ota-apps/switch-apps.sh b/automated/linux/ota-apps/switch-apps.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0cb33f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automated/linux/ota-apps/switch-apps.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Foundries.io Ltd.
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+. ../../lib/sh-test-lib
+usage() {
+ echo "\
+ Usage: $0 [-f <true|false>] [-e <app list>] [-a <app list>] [-d <true|false> ] [-u <conductor url>]
+ -f <true|false>
+ If set to true, empty apps list is allowed to be set
+ -e <default app list>
+ Comma separated list of apps that should be running after registration
+ -a <app list>
+ Comma separated list of apps to enable in this test.
+ The list should be different than the list of apps at registration
+ -u <conductor url>
+ URL of the conductor service that performs API actions
+ -d <true|false> Enables more debug messages. Default: false
+ "
+while getopts "f:a:e:d:u:h" opts;
+ case "$opts" in
+ f) FORCE="${OPTARG}";;
+ a) APPLIST="${OPTARG}";;
+ d) DEBUG="${OPTARG}";;
+ h|*) usage ; exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+# the script works only on builds with aktualizr-lite
+# and lmp-device-auto-register
+! check_root && error_msg "You need to be root to run this script."
+create_out_dir "${OUTPUT}"
+if [ -z "${CONDUCTOR_URL}" ]; then
+ error_fatal "CONDUCTOR_URL is not set"
+if [ -z "${DEFAULTAPPLIST}" ]; then
+ error_fatal "DEFAULTAPPLIST must not be empty"
+# configure aklite callback
+cp aklite-callback.sh /var/sota/
+chmod 755 /var/sota/aklite-callback.sh
+mkdir -p "${SOTA_CONFDIR}"
+cp z-99-aklite-callback.toml "${SOTA_CONFDIR}"
+cp z-99-aklite-disable-reboot.toml "${SOTA_CONFDIR}"
+report_pass "create-aklite-callback"
+# create signal files
+touch /var/sota/ota.signal
+touch /var/sota/ota.result
+report_pass "create-signal-files"
+# enabling lmp-device-auto-register variant
+systemctl enable --now lmp-device-auto-register || error_fatal "Unable to register device"
+while ! systemctl is-active aktualizr-lite;
+ echo "Waiting for aktualizr-lite to start"
+ sleep 1
+# wait for 'install-post' signal
+while ! grep "install-post" /var/sota/ota.signal
+ echo "Sleeping 1s"
+ sleep 1
+ cat /var/sota/ota.signal
+report_pass "install-post-received"
+for default_app in ${DEFAULTAPPLIST}
+ if docker ps | grep "${default_app}"; then
+ report_pass "default_${default_app}_running"
+ else
+ report_fail "default_${default_app}_running"
+ fi
+AKLITE_START_OLD=$(systemctl show --property=ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic --value aktualizr-lite)
+# ask conductor to update apps list for the device
+. /etc/os-release
+# LMP_FACTORY is defined in os-release
+DEVICE_NAME=$(head -n 1 /etc/hostname)
+# compose list of apps to request for
+# done in 2 steps to avoid issues with IFS
+for app in ${APPLIST}
+for app in ${AAPPLIST}
+if [ "${APP_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]; then
+echo "Sending JSON: ${JSON_APPS_LIST}"
+if [ -n "${APPLIST}" ]; then
+ curl -X POST "${CONDUCTOR_URL}/api/test/apps/${LMP_FACTORY}/${DEVICE_NAME}/" \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d "{\"apps_list\": ${JSON_APPS_LIST}}"
+ if [ "${FORCE}" = "true" ] || [ "${FORCE}" = "True" ]; then
+ curl -X POST "${CONDUCTOR_URL}/api/test/apps/${LMP_FACTORY}/${DEVICE_NAME}/" \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d "{\"apps_list\": ${JSON_APPS_LIST}, \"force\": true}"
+ fi
+# wait for fioconfig to pick the new list. Wait for aklite-restart
+AKLITE_START_NEW=$(systemctl show --property=ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic --value aktualizr-lite)
+while [ "${AKLITE_START_OLD}" -eq "${AKLITE_START_NEW}" ];
+ echo "Waiting for aktualizr-lite to restart"
+ sleep 1
+ AKLITE_START_NEW=$(systemctl show --property=ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic --value aktualizr-lite)
+# reset the signal list
+echo "" > /var/sota/ota.signal
+# if there are apps added, wait for install-post signal
+# this isn't perfect and will fail if there are apps added and removed at the same time
+if [ "${APP_COUNT}" -gt "${DEFAULTAPP_COUNT}" ]; then
+ while ! grep "install-post" /var/sota/ota.signal
+ do
+ echo "Sleeping 1s"
+ sleep 1
+ cat /var/sota/ota.signal
+ done
+if [ "${APP_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ # wait for check-for-update-post signal
+ while ! grep "check-for-update-post" /var/sota/ota.signal
+ do
+ echo "Sleeping 1s"
+ sleep 1
+ cat /var/sota/ota.signal
+ done
+for app in ${APPLIST}
+ if docker ps | grep "${app}"; then
+ report_pass "${app}_running"
+ else
+ report_fail "${app}_running"
+ fi
+# check if the default apps are turned off
+if [ "${APP_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ IFS=','
+ for default_app in ${DEFAULTAPPLIST}
+ do
+ if docker ps | grep "${default_app}"; then
+ report_fail "default_after_${default_app}_running"
+ else
+ report_pass "default_after_${default_app}_running"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ "${DEBUG}" = "true" ]; then
+ journalctl --no-pager -u aktualizr-lite
diff --git a/automated/linux/ota-apps/switch-apps.yaml b/automated/linux/ota-apps/switch-apps.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca9bd059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automated/linux/ota-apps/switch-apps.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Foundries.io
+ format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
+ name: switch-apps
+ description: "Switch list of the active apps. Use fioconfig
+ callback handler in the process."
+ maintainer:
+ - milosz.wasilewski@foundries.io
+ os:
+ - openembedded
+ scope:
+ - functional
+ devices:
+ - imx8mm
+ - imx6ull
+ FORCE: "false"
+ DEFAULT_APPS: "shellhttpd"
+ NEW_APPS: "shellhttpd,testapp"
+ DEBUG: "false"
+ steps:
+ - cd ./automated/linux/ota-apps
+ - ./switch-apps.sh -e "${DEFAULT_APPS}" -a "${NEW_APPS}" -f "${FORCE}" -u "${CONDUCTOR_URL}" -d "${DEBUG}"
+ - ../../utils/send-to-lava.sh ./output/result.txt